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UKH urges local authorities to support hospitality ahead of elections

Although macroeconomic issues sit with the central government, local authorities can still enable a positive attitude towards a sector capable of delivering economic growth, the trade body argues

Ahead of the local elections, UKHospitality is urging local authorities to back the hospitality sector, which is capable of delivering economic growth, drive employment and revive communities.

In its local elections manifesto, which has been sent to council leaders, local authority CEOs and candidates across the country, UKHospitality sets out how the decisions of local authorities are crucial to the survival of businesses. From planning and licensing to public transport, central business operations are determined by local decisions.

UKHospitality is advocating for councils to take a pro-growth approach to licensing applications, enable a faster, permissive and more streamlined approach to planning applications and deliver more efficient and low-cost public transport systems to support businesses and residents.

In addition, providing discretionary business rates relief to hospitality businesses and promoting hospitality jobs and skills through local authority channels is also on the trade body’s agenda. 


UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls said: “A significant number of the practical, day-to-day issues that hospitality businesses face start and end with the local authority.

“We have seen time and time again the positive impact hospitality can have on local communities and it can once again prove itself as a catalyst for growth; reinvigorating communities, creating local growth and job opportunities in a tough economic climate. 

Nicholls continued: “Hospitality is not immune from those economic challenges and, while macroeconomic issues around taxes and energy sit with the central government, a positive and enabling attitude to the sector at a local level can see it quickly generate economic growth and job opportunities. Backing our sector is undoubtedly one of the quickest ways local authorities can deliver benefits for businesses, residents and, ultimately, the country.”

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